Evolution 350
Problem Set #4, Mutation and Migration

1.  Given a population with pa = 0.70 and qb = 0.30, answer the following questions:
     a) If a mutates to b at a rate of 4 x 10-5, estimate p in 100 generations.
     b) If m = 0.12 from a population where p = 0.60, estimate delta-p.

2.  In the bacterium E. coli, the rate of mutation from histidineindependence (his+) to histidine requirement (his-) is 2 x 10-6, while the rate of reverse mutation is 4 x 10-8.  Predict p+, the equilibrium frequency of the independence gene.

3. Assume that the rate of mutation from a to b at a certain locus in Drosophila melanogaster is 2 x 10-5, while the rate of reverse mutation b to a is 6 x 10-7.  Predict pa.  Is the calculation of mutation equilibrium frequency different for diploid and haploid organisms?

4.  Assume that at a certain locus the mutation rate of a to b is 10-6 and that there is no back mutation.  From a starting frequency pa = 1.0, predict pa after 10, 1000, and 100,000 generations.

5.  The selection coefficient against a deleterious recessive mutation in mice is known to be s = 0.9.  If we observe a frequency of 0.9996 of normal individuals in a population, what is the mutation rate?

6. Although the autosomal recessive disease phenylketonuria can become severely debilitating, dietary precautions may be taken if detection is early.  Human populations were sampled from an isolated region of West Virginia and from New York City.  The frequency of the PKU gene was found to be 1 x 10-5 in West Virginia and 5 x 10-5 in New York.  How much stronger is selection in West Virginia?

7. Assume that the mutation rate to the lethal recessive Tay-Sachs gene is 1 x 10-5.  What is its equilibrium frequency?

8.  A population geneticist estimated the frequency of allele a in annual population #1 to be 0.90, and in population #2 to be 0.65.  He returned the following year and found pa to be 0.88 in population #1.  What migration coefficient does this suggest?

9.  If the size of population #1 is 600, estimate its number of immigrants per generation.


1a) 0.697,     1b) -0.012
2) p+ = 0.02,     3) pa = 0.03,  No difference in calculations for haploids and diploids.
4) p10 = 0.99999, p100 = 0.999, p100,000 = 0.905.
5) 3.6 x 10-4
6) 25 times
7) pTS = 0.0032.
8) m = 0.08,   9) 48 migrants/generation

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